At the Edge of the Haight by Katherine Seligman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars The summer of love is long gone but some people hope to prolong the “glory days”, some are searching for something, some are hiding, and some are just hoping to make it another day. This honest look at life on the streets details the daily routines of seeking shelter, food, money, and purpose. Follow Maddy while she navigates Golden Gate Park, investigating a crime that just won’t let her alone, and battles a past that simultaneously haunts her and keeps her going when times are tough. Reading this elicited feelings of frustration regarding the state of things; the lack of help and the unwillingness to receive help when offered. The general attitudes of law enforcement and people towards homeless, and the attitudes of the homeless towards law enforcement and other people. Spotlighting the many issues that those who do not have permanent housing face while not glossing over the many reasons why. I am thankful for the honest perspective I received by reading this book. Thanks to @algonquinbooks and @kr.seligman for a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. View all my reviews
Gabby Oaks: The Sheriff of Sierra West by Joe Field
My rating: 3 of 5 stars A fun, futuristic western with a six-shooter totin’ heroine who jumps ravines in her ATV and busts drug rings. Gabby is a likable sheriff with a heart of gold and an incredible shot who is thrown into a tricky situation trying to save her beloved Sierra West from black tar being slung by her wicked cousin. While the story is entertaining and the characters well fleshed-out, it reads like a made-for-TV movie with B-list actors and a cheesy script. The dialogue is rarely natural and can sound very Hallmark, and the situations are very unbelievable. Even though it is clearly set in the future, or an alternate world, many concepts were hard to swallow. A cannon that shoots snakes screams Sharknado. Regardless, if you’re looking for a good, light read that will give you an occasional chuckle and a lot of smiles, you will find it with this book. View all my reviews
The Dar Lumbre Chronicles by Don Johnston
My rating: 4 of 5 stars A curious interpretation of the future where Starbucks is an essential business, “meat” is grown, Amazon delivers pizza via drone, and vegetables grown in soil are a sought-out commodity. This Crichton-esque, sci-fi novel is an interesting mix of current events and politics that would suggest not much will have changed 100 years in the future. While it can get a bit technical at times, the story and the humorous look into the future of businesses is enough to carry you through the end. The characters make this an enjoyable and relatable experience, and the cliffhanger leaves you wanting more. View all my reviews
Everywhere You Don't Belong by Gabriel Bump
My rating: 4 of 5 stars A welcome and needed glimpse into the life and mind of a young, black male in Chicago, Everywhere You Don’t Belong is set amidst historical riots and landmark events. Claude is an intelligent but conflicted youth growing up in a broken and chaotic home that makes up with love and humor what it lacks in convention. As he grows, you witness the path that shapes his tender heart, leading him into a bright future. Bump’s unique writing style lends to the raw and intense subject matter while hinting at the youthfulness of the main character and author. Highlighting a quiet soul amongst a violent background, he serves an insight into what can often be difficult to interpret amidst political and racial tension. Throughout the story, you’re introduced to a wide range of characters, with many temporary roles and very few permanent structures. Oddball guardians, Paul and Grandma, offer a comedic respite from the tragic routine of the South Shore, while Janice supplies a friendly and romantic relationship rife with angsty teen realism. Reading this is an experience that will stay with me for awhile and I look forward to sharing this book with friends and readers. Many thanks to Algonquin Books for a complimentary copy of this book. The opinions are my own. View all my reviews |
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