11/24/2024 0 Comments So Thirsty by Rachel Harrison![]() My rating: 3 of 5 stars Well, Rachel Harrison can write but this book just wasn’t for me. The hardest part for me was the main character’s constant existential dread and I get that it’s part of the character development but it made it just so difficult to enjoy the book. I guess I should have read into the kind of book it was before reading. Appreciation to the publisher and Edelweiss for the e-galley. View all my reviews
8/23/2024 0 Comments One Perfect Couple by Ruth Ware![]() My rating: 4 of 5 stars Don’t start this if you have something you need to do because you won’t want to put it down. I wasn’t sure how much I was going to enjoy this at first because I’m not a huge reality TV person, however, I do like a good survival story, and nothing says “survival” like being deserted on a desert island. It’s like Big Brother meets Gilligan’s Island, but people are dying. View all my reviews ![]() My rating: 4 of 5 stars Another nailbiting adventure by Gabino that definitely had an impact on my dreams... Thankful for the kismet of having just previously read some books on voudou that made for a nice segue into HoBaR. Gabino has an ability to make words jump out at you, to create these living, breathing characters from mere characters on a page, and the talent to mix stark reality with enough mysticism and folklore to make it seem absolutely, one-hundred percent real. The most horrifying part is that I'm not entirely convinced that what was described in this book isn't completely fantastical but just straight facts. The character driven story was expertly crafted to make you feel so much for the people represented. You're able to feel the tension, smell the blood, experience the pain. It's not a book that you can sit and read in one sitting but one where you have to pause and mull over what just happened; this book has so many layers that you need to sit with your feelings and process the information. The stark honesty and forthrightness rubs you raw and intensifies the senses. You will walk away from this book a changed person. View all my reviews ![]() My rating: 2 of 5 stars I’m so disappointed in this book. I was looking forward to it since I had enjoyed White Horse, but this was just a mess, and really, I blame the editor, it needs so much more work. This books has a lot of parts and components that could make a great story, but what resulted was something very abrupt and clunky, unrefined. The dialogue seems forced, juvenile, and oft times extraneous. I felt like I was plunked down into each scene and ripped out and slammed down into another, there was absolutely zero flow or transition. Sometimes I was bored with the amount of superfluous words and explanation, and others, I read and wondered about missing information. The overall feel of the book was like a literary characterization of a Scooby Doo episode, melodramatic and overdramatized. I received an e-galley of this book from the publisher via Edelweiss for which I have given an honest review. View all my reviews 8/21/2024 0 Comments Middle of the Night by Riley Sager![]() My rating: 3 of 5 stars I’m so conflicted about this book. It’s definitely not what I wanted it to be and then it gives a desperate attempt near the end to actually be what I was expecting. Riley can write because I was turning pages but I was anticipating something that was never delivered. It had mystery and intrigue, and then it had some tired tropes. Oh well, onto the next. View all my reviews ![]() My rating: 3 of 5 stars Those with weak stomachs should beware, this book gets descriptive. The author definitely has a voice but the prose was a little juvenile for me and I feel like this should have been labeled for young adults. The story took awhile to get off the ground but once it got going it stayed at a good pace and wrapped up neatly. View all my reviews 8/21/2024 0 Comments Diavola by Jennifer Marie Thorne![]() My rating: 4 of 5 stars I devoured Diavola. Horror in Italy seems to be a theme this summer (eg The House of Last Resort) and I’m all for the descriptions of pastoral scenes, gorgeous architecture, and yummy food. There’s more family interpersonal drama than I prefer, but it was all necessary to the plot, so I’ll allow it because it was plenty spooky and drew me in enough that I jumped every time someone in my house disturbed me. I definitely recommend. View all my reviews ![]() My rating: 4 of 5 stars A unique thriller that uses humor and levity to tackle real and relevant issues. You can't help but love each and every character and I hope that the author continues to write this series. I received a free ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. View all my reviews 8/21/2024 0 Comments Shutter by Ramona Emerson![]() My rating: 4 of 5 stars A chilling mystery with all the elements of a story that I enjoy, police procedural, supernatural, forensics, and more. This creepy page-turner is best read in the dark. View all my reviews ![]() My rating: 3 of 5 stars As a 20+ year reader of Patricia Cornwell, the last five years of the Kay Scarpetta series have been hit or miss, and this one was a miss. I'm always excited to read another installment and the premise of this one seemed promising, but the entire story seemed rushed, details skimmed over and it was overall underwhelming. I received a free ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. View all my reviews |
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